I come from Zhangjiakou , Hebei province where the main office of the Chahar institute, a private think tank is. I’m studying Geographic information Science at Northeasten Normal University. A month ago, I sat for the GRE and scored 314. I would like to learn foreign languages, like Portuguese and Spanish, which really fascinated me. I am skilled in programming which is a part of my life as eating or playing games. I actively prefer to absorb new approaches. I want to pursue a PhD with my future endeavors.
掌握C、java、Ubuntu(linux系统的一种,还有debain)、python flask 网页开发框架、sql数据库管理、R语言多元统计建模,GRE英语——2024年2月初第一次考了314分,六级529分,大一英语水平测试年级第一,免修3年。